Wisconsin divorce: Signs that you need a child custody lawyer

Separating spouses in Wisconsin often fight over issues like division of assets, alimony, and child custody. It is only reasonable to assume that the couple would consider the best interests of their minor child when making decisions, but things are often more complicated in the real world. While you can file for divorce on your own and fight the child custody battle on your own, it may not be the smartest thing to do. Here are the signs that you need a Wisconsin family law attorney for your child custody case.

  1. Your spouse has hired an attorney. When your spouse has hired a lawyer, it is obvious that they have all guns blazing and would do what it takes to win. Unfortunately, people often don’t understand that there are no winners in a child custody battle. However, you should also take action and ensure that you don’t lose your children because you failed to lawyer up.
  2. Things are more complicated than before. Because the battle for child custody goes on for a long in many cases, things only get complex with time. If your spouse has changed their stance on the matter and is now unwilling to compromise on certain things, engaging an attorney is the only way to protect your interests and your child’s future. Your child custody lawyer knows the ins and outs of Wisconsin laws and can fight the battle for you.
  3. You have reasons to believe that your child is in danger. If your spouse has a history of domestic violence or has threatened you in any manner, you need to have an attorney on your side. There is always a chance that your spouse may harm the kids in such circumstances.
  4. Your visitation rights have been denied. After the court has passed the judgment on child custody, you should have the rights that are granted to you, including visitation. If your rights have been violated or your ex has been deliberately trying to keep the kids away from you, it is wise to get an attorney to protect your interests as a parent.
  5. You have a history of alcohol or drug abuse. Your ex will try to bring your history of alcohol/drug abuse in the case as an advantage to present their case, and if you don’t have an attorney, you may end up losing custody.

Talk to an attorney to know more.

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