When to worry about varicose veins?

Varicose veins, also known as varicoses or varicosities, develop when your veins expand, widen, and get overfilled with blood. Varicose veins are swollen and elevated, with a bluish-purple or red appearance. They are frequently excruciating.

The illness is extremely frequent, particularly in women. Varicose veins affect approximately 25% of all individuals. Varicose veins most typically form in the lower legs.

Understanding the causes of varicose veins:

Varicose veins develop when veins do not function properly. One-way valves in veins prohibit blood from going backward. As a result, blood begins to collect in the veins rather than flow toward the heart when these valves malfunction, the veins widen. 

Legs are the most usually affected areas by varicose veins. The veins in this area are the furthest away from your heart, and gravity makes it difficult for blood to move upward.

The following are some possible triggers for the development of  veins:

  • Menopause 
  • Pregnancy 
  • Age beyond 50 
  • Standing for lengthy periods of time
  • Obesity 
  • Family history of varicose veins.

Various symptoms of the condition:

  • Severe and ongoing leg pain
  • Legs, ankles, and feet swelling
  • Leg heaviness or a dull discomfort that occurs frequently
  • Varicose veins are either red and painful or warm.
  • Spontaneous venous bleeding or bleeding from a minor injury
  • Itchy, irritated skin near veins
  • Natural-occurring ulcers and open skin sores

Varicose vein-related complications include:

Most of the time, there is no need to treat varicose veins, but there may be issues that require you to consult a medical expert, such as:


Ulcers are sores that develop along varicose veins, most commonly at the ankles. If you notice a discolored area on your skin near a varicose vein, it could be the start of an ulcer that requires medical attention.


A varicose vein will bleed if it ruptures. If the bleeding does not cease, get medical help.


If your varicose veins are hot or painful, or if your legs are swollen on a regular basis, consult your doctor.

Blood clots:

If you have persistent leg discomfort or swelling, you should see a best vein specialist because you may have thrombophlebitis or a blood clot. Most varicose vein blood clots occur on the surface and are not hazardous, however clots can form deeper in the body on rare occasions. These deeper blood clots, known as deep vein thrombosis (DVTs), can be fatal if they break off and travel to the lungs.

Signs show that it is time to seek medical help:

Changes in the vein:

A varicose vein that is swollen or feels sensitive and warm to the touch should be reported to your doctor. If you notice a mass in your vein or near a vein in your leg, you should consult a best vascular surgeon for varicose veins. A lump could be the result of a blood clot or inflammation inside the vein, both of which require medical attention.

Skin changes around the affected vein:

When a varicose vein is injured, the skin above it is generally thin and can bleed excessively. If you have bleeding in the skin above a vein, whether from an injury or not, elevate the leg and apply pressure. Once the bleeding has stopped, contact your doctor to have the area checked. A vein expert should be consulted if there are any changes in the skin above or around a varicose vein, such as skin ulcers, colour changes, a rash, or skin thickening.

The vein pain interferes with daily activities:

Just because you experience leg pain does not necessarily imply that you have vein problems. Varicose veins, on the other hand, produce leg pain, particularly aching and throbbing. And the more you do your everyday tasks while suffering from varicose veins, the worse the discomfort becomes. Reach out to the varicose vein doctor in Coimbatore to avoid major complications of the varicose veins.

What are the diagnostic procedures that are involved in identifying varicose veins:

To diagnose varicose veins, your doctor would most likely inspect your legs and visible veins while you are sitting or standing. They may inquire about any discomfort or symptoms you are experiencing.

Your doctor may also order an ultrasound to examine your blood flow. This noninvasive test employs high-frequency sound waves. It enables your doctor to view how blood flows through your veins. Reach out to the Best Vascular Surgery Hospitals in Coimbatore to undergo the best treatment for varicose veins.

A venogram may be performed depending on the location to better analyze your veins. During this examination, your doctor will administer a specific dye to your legs and perform X-rays of the area. The dye appears on X-rays, providing your doctor with a clearer picture of how your blood is flowing.

Ultrasounds and sonograms can assist check that another illness, such as a blood clot or a blockage, isn’t causing your leg pain and swelling.

Treatment options that available to treat the varicose veins:

Compression stockings:

Elastic stockings (support hose) compress the veins, preventing them from straining and injuring themselves. People who do not want injectable therapy or Varicose Veins Surgery in Coimbatore, or who have a medical condition that precludes them from receiving these treatments, can use elastic stockings instead.

Injection therapy:

As a result of injection therapy, the veins are suffocated. Injecting an irritant into the vein, causes the blood to coagulate (thrombus). It is a harmless form of superficial venous thrombosis that is produced by this technique. Scar tissue forms as the blood clot heals, blocking the vein. However, the blood clot may dissolve instead of creating scar tissue, and the varicose vein subsequently reopens. New varicose veins are also common.

Laser treatment:

Varicose veins can be treated with laser therapy as well. To cut or kill tissue, this therapy uses a stream of high-intensity light. The usage of a laser for cosmetic purposes is not uncommon.

Surgical treatment varicose veins:

Varicose veins are no longer routinely treated with surgery. As many varicose veins as feasible are removed during surgery. Surgeons, on the other hand, work hard to keep the saphenous vein intact. 

The femoral vein joins this vein near the groyne, making it the body’s longest superficial vein (the main deep vein in the leg). By keeping the saphenous vein healthy, doctors can perform bypass surgery if a blockage occurs in the heart or another important vessel. A process known as stripping is used if the saphenous vein must be removed. With two incisions—one on each leg—the surgeon accesses a vein on each end of each leg. A flexible wire is inserted into the vein and then pulled out to remove the vein.

Other incisions are made by the surgeon to remove the varicose veins. It’s not a problem to remove superficial veins because they don’t play as big a role in returning blood to the heart as the deep veins do.

If you are concerned about the appearance of your varicose veins or if you want to know if you have additional conditions related to varicose veins, make an appointment to see your health care provider.

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