Types of Video Courses

The education system of almost all the countries around the world made a switch to the online space, two years ago, when the COVID-19 pandemic situation worsened in March 2020. The online system of education changed various aspects related to education and brought every activity related to education to the online space. Online classes, online teaching and online learning were some of the most common terms that we know of and some of the most common aspects of the online system of education. The online education system was highly flexible ad inclusive. This system made distance learning more common and learning on the go a possibility for so many more people than it was before. It was now possible to teach and learn from anywhere and also perform the various other activities related to education from anywhere and at any time. This system also offered a lot of freedom when it came to options and making choices. The online space has a very wide range of platforms that are offered for online education and the system offers the teachers and the students the option to choose the platforms that are convenient for them and which enhance their experience in the online space. In the online space when someone launch course, teaching and learning take place in online classroom spaces. Like every other aspect of online education, there are different types of classes that can take place and the teachers and the students are free to choose how they are comfortable with the classes in the online mode and which type of class suits them the most. Online classes of different types can be used for different purposes but all the types of online classes are based on videos in some form or the other. Videos are one of the most useful tools that we have extensively used for educational purposes in the last two years. Online classes of different types have made use of various forms of videos for making the teaching and learning experience better for all. Majorly, there are two types of classes that are conducted in the online mode. These are known as the live video-based classes and the recorded video-based classes. Booth these types of classes have other sub-types and different purposes for which they are used. They are also conducted using different types of platforms and tools. Many platforms offer the features for conducting both these types of classes to help the teachers and students use a single platform for all their needs. In this article, we will be talking about the different types of video-based courses and classes that the teachers can conduct and the students can attend. We will discuss the types of subjects you can learn using these classes and how you can benefit from video-based courses. 

Live Video Courses

Live classes are conducted in real-time and this type of class allows the teachers and the learners to interact in real-time. These classes follow a fixed schedule that requires the teachers and the students to be present at the same time. These classes are normally conducted using a video meeting platform that allows a specific number and group of students to attend the same. This type of class is normally scheduled by schools and colleges following a timetable similar to the offline system. Another way of conducting live classes is using live video-streaming platforms such platforms do not have a limit on how many people can attend the classes and the teachers and students can collectively decide when the class must be scheduled. These classes can also be made available for watching later or for revision purposes. 

Recorded Video Courses

Course selling gained popularity with the emergence of recorded video courses that are also known as online courses. These courses are the most flexible type of online courses as they can be created and sold by the teachers and the classes can be attended by the students at any time and from anywhere.   Online courses are available for almost every topic that you can think of anybody can create these courses for sharing their knowledge and experience. You just need to be able to create an online course and find the best online courses platform.

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