Getting pregnant willingly or unwillingly is a happy moment for a female after her marriage. However, carrying a pregnancy successfully differs from one woman to another. Some females carry it successfully without any interruption while some have to struggle a lot. And they lose their pregnancies before or around the 20th week.
Are you one among such females? If yes, you have numerous queries in your mind. Pregnancy is possible even after recurrent miscarriage is one of those quesries. You should consult a respective doctor at a fertility or IVF clinic in Bangalore or your local town/city. The expert will answer all your queries and help you get pregnant again with the most suitable and effective treatment. Here, have a look at what you should know about pregnancy after miscarriage:
What is a miscarriage?
Miscarriage is a pregnancy loss before the 20th of week. It happens to females due to no proper development of the foetus. Women of reproductive age can suffer from it whether they are in their 20s or 30s.
What causes miscarriage?
Miscarriage happens due to many reasons. Some of the significant causes of miscarriages or pregnancy losses are as follows:
- No proper development of the foetus
- Chromosomal abnormalities occurred by chance cause around 50% of miscarriages
- Ageing – older women, especially above 35, are at a higher risk
Approximately 8-20% of known pregnancies end in miscarriage. The actual number of pregnancy losses is higher as some women face it before they know they have conceived.
Odds of another miscarriage
In general, miscarriage occurs once in a female’s life. However, a few women, around 1%, have miscarriages more than once. As per Mayo Clinic, the prediction of miscarriage risks in future pregnancy is around 20%. It goes to around 28% after two miscarriages in a row. Further, the risk in future pregnancy goes upto 43% after three or more constant miscarriages.
Suggest to Read:- Recurrent Miscarriages: The Most Dreadful Side of Pregnancy
What is the best time to conceive again after a miscarriage?
One or more miscarriages can break you or your spouse emotionally. Both of you can go through intense anxiety, sadness, or guilt. You should grieve and try to get better.
After facing a miscarriage, you should avoid physical intimacy with your male partner for around two weeks. It will help you stay safe from infection. After this, you can try again by predicting your ovulation time.
You can do it as you get rid of your physical and emotional health issues caused by a miscarriage. There is no weight time if you have faced miscarriage for the first time. However, you should see a respective doctor if you have two or more more constant miscarriages.
Any specific recommended tests to get pregnant after miscarriage
If you have experienced two or more pregnancy losses in a row, your doctor can recommend a few tests or screenings. These tests will help them to detect what issues you have. The recommended tests could be:
- Blood tests for the evaluation of the hormonal balance and your immune system
- Chromosomal tests to know whether you or your male partner have chromosomal issues
- Ultrasound, hysteroscopy, and hysterosalpingography to detect and correct uterine and endometriosis issues.
In some cases, your doctor can recommend MRI and sonohysterography to find the hidden issues.
What can be done to enhance your chance of a healthy pregnancy?
At your end, you can do nothing to stop having a miscarriage. However, making a few changes in your lifestyle can help you a lot in carrying the next pregnancy successfully. Here is what you can do:
- Take prenatal vitamins and folic acid supplements as per your doctor’s advice
- Limit your caffeine intake
- Quit smoking
- Lower or leave taking alcoholic beverages
- Stay away from illicit or recreational drugs
What can you feel about your pregnancy after a miscarriage?
Getting pregnant after having one or more miscarriages will fill you with joy, happiness, and anxiousness. Your feeling of depression and anxiety could continue even after the birth of a cute and healthy child while becoming pregnant again will be a healing experience for you. You should stay in touch with your spouse, family members, and friends to cope with your feelings.
Yes, pregnancy is possible even after recurrent miscarriage. You should try again as per your doctor’s instructions when you get physically and emotionally ready for it. Constant contact with your doctor and adopting healthy lifestyle habits will help you get what you expect, having a healthy child.