How Much Food Does My Cat Need?

If your kitty cat begins to look rounder by the day, then it might be time to assess what and how much you are feeding it. Every cat is unique, and so are its nutritional needs. A feline’s dietary requirements often depend on age, size, breed, metabolic rate, and health status.

Apart from internal factors, external factors like temperature can also impact a furball’s dietary needs. The amount of exercise a cat gets, its lifestyle, and energy levels also play a significant role in deciding the type and quantity of food that needs to be given to a cat.

Even while you pay special attention to your cat’s nutrition, sometimes health issues can be unavoidable. Consider being equipped with cat insurance NZ so that tackling unanticipated health situations is much easier.

Cat insurance makes it possible to offer your munchkin the medical care it deserves during dire health circumstances, with little economic implications, which is why you must contemplate purchasing a policy. In the meantime, read this article to learn how much to feed your fluffy friend.

How much to feed?

Considering the fact that different food products of the same volume contain different nutrients and calories, it can be challenging to figure out the right food and the right amount for your kitty. For a basic idea of the quantity of food to be given to your pet daily, check the below tips.

#1 Check the feeding guide

Most cat food products come with feeding instructions on the label. Read it for a rough idea of how much to feed your pet. The guides mentioned on cat food products are often based on weight, and they mention the feeding requirements of a cat in a day. They might not specify the meal size, so it is up to you to divide the permitted quantity into two or three portions and serve them as well-spaced meals. Talk to your vet for specific instructions on feeding.

#2 Baby cats need more food

To stay happy and healthy, young kittens require more food per kg of weight than adults or mature cats. If you have a kitten, feed it more often; kittens under six months may require three or more meals a day and at over six months they might need two to three meals. Senior cats can do fine with one or two meals a day.

#3 Evaluate your cat’s health

It is essential to examine your munchkin’s health every few weeks so you can make adjustments to its diet. Know that your cat needs an ideal quantity of food to stay fit and fine. If your furry pet is starting to put on weight or appears too thin, there could be a health problem.

#4 Add wet food to the diet

If your furry baby is feeding on dry kibble all day, then reduce the amount of dry food and increase the proportion of wet food so it stays full and hydrated throughout the day.

Try the above tips; however, consider being prepared with cat insurance in NZ because health issues are often unpredictable. Contemplate purchasing cat insurance so you can deal with unplanned vet costs with minor financial stress.

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