Everyone knows one of the worst pains the human body can experience is that of dental pain. Whether it’s a cracked tooth or a deep cavity, there are few things more excruciatingly inconvenient than that of tooth pain. It may also be a sign that it’s time to receive the best dental crown South Yarra dentists provide. They are designed to cover, protect and restore your tooth’s shape, and they are especially useful when fillings just aren’t getting the job done. There are numerous reasons why you might require this procedure, and it’s best not to hold out on it when you do, as the problem could worsen the more time goes on.
Here are five reasons why it might be time for you to receive a dental crown:
Your teeth have experienced structural damage
If you have fractured your tooth or suffer from bruxism, then this treatment might be perfect for fixing the issue. When you have an imbalance, your teeth typically have to work the remaining teeth more, and this can create poor jaw joint movements. This treatment can potentially stop this issue from developing any further saving you from continued teeth issues as well as some serious discomfort that comes with the issue.
Your switching a tooth for an implant
This type of implant is commonly known as the “root” part of your tooth replacement treatment. If you have one or more missing teeth, you may require a custom-made crown installed above the implant abutment. These are similar in feel and aesthetic to the ones that get placed on your teeth.
Your filling is on the move
Fillings are susceptible to jostling around and this is especially so when you don’t have the restorative structure to support it. In this case, fillings are unable to cover large areas or support the tooth, as they might move around too much, fall out or even break as soon as you apply any pressure to them. If the area has enough enamel and is small enough to support the restoration then a filling should be more than enough to provide support. However, if this isn’t the case, or the large filling’s surrounding structure is quite thin, then it is a very good idea to receive this treatment instead.
You recently received root canal
Root canal can leave your teeth feeling quite fragile, as there is no longer a living nerve or blood supply within the tooth. This is when this valuable procedure can really come in handy, as it basically provides a layer of protection to a tooth that is otherwise quite fragile. What’s more, continuing to leave a recently-treated tooth without this procedure could lead to further wear on the affected tooth.
They can even save your teeth
In particular circumstances, teeth that have incurred near-irreparable damage can actually be saved with a dental crown procedure. In such scenarios, the treatment can provide a protective layer that is so efficient that you may not have to have the tooth removed at all, especially if the procedure was effective enough to provide ongoing coverage in the affected area!
As you can see, there are many good reasons why you might need a dental crown. They can do anything from adding an extra level of coverage to saving a near-irreparable tooth, so this can only be a good thing, of course! So, if any of the above-listed apply to you, perhaps it’s time to consider receiving this important treatment…