Far Cry 6: Inspiration for the “Resolver” mindset

Far Cry 6: Inspiration for the “Resolver” mindset

Far Cry 6: Inspiration for the “Resolver” mindset, When it releases on October 7 on Xbox One and Xbox Series X|S, Far Cry 6 will add a new word to the series lexicon: “ Resolver .”

It’s a concept originating in Cuba, with the country being the main inspiration behind the fictional island of Yara, the game’s setting.

The ‘ Resolver ‘ philosophy embraces the idea of ​​determination, resourcefulness, and the ability to solve problems. It’s a mainstay of Far Cry 6, driving its protagonists into guerrilla warfare and changing the way you interact with the world.

“ Resolver ” means “to solve” in Spanish. But in Cuba, this word conveys much more meaning. Because of the decades of lean times caused by the trade embargo and the collapse of the Soviet Union, Cubans were forced to make do with what they had on hand.

David Grivel, Lead Game Designer, tells us more:

“Since it was very difficult to import anything, the Cubans had to make do with what was already present on the island. It is for this reason, for example, that so many American cars from the 60s still populate the streets there. But the ”  Resolver  ” philosophy is not just about keeping objects, it’s also about making new ones. During our research, for example, we found a fan-made from a turntable. »

In Far Cry 6, Dani Rojas, the main character, will have to lead a revolution and fight against an overpowering military force. He or she will therefore have to use whatever is within reach and it is for this reason that the “  Resolver  ” philosophy is crucial.

David Grivel adds:

“In Far Cry 6, the spirit of ‘  Resolver  ‘ is to transform yourself into a veritable army, you and your allies will have to inflict maximum chaos with what you have. “

This manifests itself in different ways in the game, you will have to search for equipment, modify your vehicles or assemble weapon modifiers. The Resolver spirit is particularly present in two categories, weapons being the first. They are unique weapons, made for the occasion with the materials you will find.

David Grivel gives us an example:

“One of my favorites is ‘ El Pequeño ‘, a minigun made from a particularly deadly moped engine. »

Other Resolver weapons use gas station handles, car batteries, bicycle handlebars, and even CD players.

And what about the second category? These are the Supremes. Those who are uninitiated in the art of guerrilla warfare might call them “backpack”. They will give you an immense but time-limited advantage in combat. For example, it could be a flamethrower, or a device to heal you faster. One of the most destructive, the Exterminador, will let you send a barrage of homing missiles at your enemies. Of course, you won’t just be able to blast missiles, each Supremo should be used sparingly as they all have a cool-down time. Once this time is up, your enemies will tremble.

Naturally, it takes some talent to create such an arsenal. This is where Juan Cortez comes in. David Grivel makes the introductions:

“You can think of Juan as Dani’s guerrilla teacher. He will explain the basics of the Resolver philosophy to you. He’s the best of craftsmen, the one you’ll go to when you need new Supremos, gadgets, and Resolver weapons. 

But he’s also a true mentor to Dani, as he also has the experience to know when and how to use these weapons. We know little about his past, but it’s a safe bet that this is not his first revolution. »

This shared experience will be essential for you to learn how to use Resolver weapons, gadgets, vehicles, and other gear in the most effective way.

This philosophy will let you embody a version of Dani that will be unique to you. The Far Cry series has always let players choose how they approach and how they complete objectives, but Far Cry 6 takes that one step further.

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