Do You Need Suggestions for the Ideal Photography London?

Planning a cake smash photography London for baby’s first birthday? They have got the tips you need to make it unforgettable. It is time to celebrate your little one and their first year on Earth! Cake smashes are a beautiful way to mark their big day and take great photos that will last forever. Here are some tips for making sure it goes off without a hitch:

  • Choose a cake that is easy to clean up. You do not want to spend all your time getting food and frosting out of services or worrying that there are crumbs in places where they should not be.
  • Have plenty of extra frosting on hand. Things can go messy at any time or when you will need a backup, so keep some nearby just in case!
  • Make sure everyone has their plate, this way, everyone can eat at once, rather than having to wait until everyone finishes their pieces before they get theirs! Plus, it will make cleanup more accessible too!
  • Do not forget the camera, because who knows how long these moments will last? Take lots of pictures to remember everything later on down the line!

Select The Best Cake Smash Photography London

If your baby is into smashing cakes, you might be wondering which one is best. The most important thing to remember is that you want a plain old vanilla sponge cake. They are soft and crumbly and easy for little hands to break up. Buttercream icing will create the perfect messy fun you are after, but pick your colour carefully – red icing can leave your baby looking like a vampire, and brown can look like. Unless you want to spice things up, add some sprinkles!

Get A Fabulous Outfit

You love your baby and want to capture their little smile on camera. You will take pictures for years, so you want them to look their best. Remember that babies will get good and messy, so do not put them in their Sunday best. It is an excellent opportunity for a fun, colourful look over the top. If you plan a “nappy only” look, a nappy cover can make this look snappier.

Perfect The Set

If you are looking to shoot a cake smash photography London product photo at home, aim for an outdoor location with lots of natural light or an indoors with a bright neutral background. You do not need a studio to get your products photographed, but if you have one, use it! If not, try to find somewhere with ample light—and distance from other objects that might cause shadows or reflections.

Get Ready For A Mess

When you are shooting a baby shower, you will get the most adorable pictures of your little one with icing all over their face. But do not forget that there will also be plenty of it in your hair and on your clothes! That’s why there recommend having a spare outfit for everyone in the pictures, so you do not have to worry about cleaning up later or ruining your favorite company. If you are doing your shoot at home, either use a plastic mat to protect your floor or choose an area that can quickly sweep off after the party is over.


Once it refers to photographing your infant, there are a few things to consider, less is usually more. You do not want to surround your little one with too many props or distractions—you want them to be able to focus on you and the camera. Bunting and streamers can provide a pop of colour. Balloons help keep your baby engaged, and smiley for the photos, and here recommend using a white backdrop if possible so that the focus is on your child.

Give A Little Suggestion

When your child is old enough to take solid foods, try giving them a taste of the icing. Some babies will give in right away, but others may find it overwhelming. They might need to show them that it is ok to play with the icing before they are ready to dive in. Once they have taste, they will probably be happy to have more!

Priority For Safety

As with all new foods, you are starting slowly and watching your baby for reaction signs is essential. For example, if there is an ingredient in the cake or icing that your baby has not had before, it is best to taste a couple of weeks before ruling out any reactions and letting them dive right in.

Having Joy

It is difficult to do things properly in a hurry to throw together a birthday party for your baby. But do not stress! There are so many services to make your baby’s event special. Your tot will love it, no matter what. And when you look back at the cake smash photography London, all you will care about is how much fun everyone had—not how perfectly coordinated the centerpieces were or if there was enough food for everyone.

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