Acrow props: as a tradie you know about them but may not know which are perfect for the job. This is perfectly understandable, as there are various styles available on the Aussie market.
So, what are they, exactly, and what are the best acrow props Adelaide has available? Well, we’re here to help you answer this question with ease and simplicity.
Check out the following to learn more about this vita construction appendage:
So, what are they exactly?
This vital construction technology works to position and support the horizontal framework system in each case’s required height. As essential load-bearing technology, they are required to hold the loads they receive when a structure is concreted, whilst working as a support until it is ready for use and can absorb the weight stressed on its own volition.
This fantastic equipment is telescopic and height-adjustable, generally comprising one cylindrical body inside another, used to facilitate regulation – these are called the body and the shaft. Occasionally, to complement the design ,they may contain a locking system to prevent the body separating from the shaft, as well as an unloading system to support disassembly and removal.
What are the different styles of acrow props available?
The best acrow props Adelaide has available can come in a range of styles depending on their material, their service life and how much they can support. This is also dependent on whether the adjustment thread is covered or visible.
The different styles include:
Aluminium designs are typically used less due to their higher price, but they are much lighter than steel designs and can allow for working at greater heights with a higher load capacity. Although they are typically enlisted as a standalone prop, they are usually mounted tied together, creating load-bearing towers that can be joined in height.
They are typically used in formwork systems for civil works and/or singular buildings, especially when there is a higher height range and load than steel props.
Metal is the most common style available, especially as they can be galvanised, painted and zinc plated (among other modifications). They are classified according to how much they can support (typically between 500 and 3,000 kg). Their working height – covering between two and six metres – also helps classify the design. Metal provides for a determination of a proper load capacity as well as containing an exceptional service life, especially as it is a highly resistant material.
Metal designs can easily be used with recoverable formwork systems for both civil and building sites, supporting the construction of all kinds of lightened or solid slabs, both bidirectional and unidirectional (recoverable cassette or waffle slabs) within their height and load range. Build rehabilitation projects typically use them as shoring elements.
These are, naturally, the more old school design available, as they were used in construction before the creation of aluminium and steel varieties. They can still be used in different parts of the world, especially where wood is very cheap. However, they are known to have a lower load-bearing capacity than aluminium and steel options, as well as not being allowed for use in many parts of the world.
We hope this piece has given you a better idea about acrow props and which ones would be right for your construction site. Both the aluminium and steel varieties have their perks, so we recommend going with one of those for your next big build!